Sunday, July 21, 2013

Trust & Happiness

God is to be trusted and praised whether He performs as we desire or not.  Prayer is a powerful thing and is something you should have complete faith in. But, prayer of fate cannot override the plan God has for you.

                Pretend you are from a third world country. You don’t know what a surgeon is and this is the first time you have stepped foot in a hospital. You walk into the operating room and see a man lying on the table and another man holding a knife. The man with the knife starts to cut open the chest of the man lying on the table. He then begins to cut the arteries around the heart, remove the heart from the body and place it aside. What would you be thinking at this moment? You would assume the surgeon is cruel and horrible. You might wonder how someone could do this to another person. You wouldn’t understand. After questioning the situation for awhile, you then see the man take another heart and replace it in the empty spot. A couple days later you run into the man that was lying on the table. He is up walking around, full of life, and happy as ever.

When you can’t understand God’s hands, trust His heart. When you can’t understand what He is doing, trust His plan. It’s hard for us to handle things when we don’t understand why something happens to us, or when something won’t come our way when we have spent hours upon hours and days upon days praying about it. We spend too long searching for answers and asking why. I personally have questioned multiple things in my life. I never understand why at the moment, but it never fails, I always learn from the situations and if nothing else, it brings me closer in my faith.

Aside from trusting God’s timing, trusting that what He has already placed in your life is what you need. I hear too many times people longing for more. Whether that may be materialism, relationships, job, money, or anything else that makes us ungrateful, we must learn to be content of what we are blessed with.  For example, I overheard someone giving relationship advice the other day. The girl is in a long committed relationship. She loved her boyfriend, but was expressing the aspects of him and the relationship that she was unhappy with.  She was seeking answers about if she should see what her other options were out there or stay where she was right now. The person on the other end giving the advice said something along the lines of not settling and you should be completely happy. I thought this advice was horrible (to be honest and blunt). Of course, it is important not to settle. There are some things that should be nonnegotiable for you, but you have to find what is truly important. And you should seek happiness, but happiness is not something that is given to us every day. Sometimes we have to create it. This kind of mindset is the reason some people will never be fully content. No one is perfect. We all come with flaws, quirks, and imperfections. You are never going to meet someone that has everything that is considered perfect. What you are missing in your current relationship is what you will naturally find attractive in others, but what is failed to be understood is that the new person lacks something you have already found.

Being content and loving what you already have will bring you more happiness. You don’t have to search for it, it’s already there.

Much Love and God Bless,


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